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Contractor Work

All general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, repair workers, etc., shall be advised of the following building rules and regulations concerning proper conduct within the building. It is the general contractor’s responsibility to ensure that contractors read and understand these rules and regulations. Ignorance of these rules and regulations is not a waiver of liability and responsibility. 

Any work involving the building security, fire, lighting, or HVAC systems requires 48 hours advance notice and must be cleared through the Management Office prior to work being started. Notification can be provided via email to the designated person. The Management Office will notify the building engineer regarding any such scheduled work. Contractors are encouraged to utilize the building’s contractor and preferred vendors for any necessary modifications. 

  1. Contractor shall provide the Management Office with material safety data sheets for all chemicals, solvents, etc. to be brought into the building by the contractor or their sub-contractors. 
  1. The use of solvent borne materials is strictly prohibited. 
  1. All painting work must be performed before or after normal business hours (i.e., 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). 
  1. No one shall be allowed to endanger the building, its premises, or its occupants in any manner whatsoever. If a situation occurs that threatens the building or its occupants in any manner, the contractor, subcontractor, supplier, etc. must take immediate steps to correct the hazardous condition. If the contractor fails to correct the hazardous situation, the owner reserves the right to immediately take steps to correct the situation at the contractor’s expense. 
  1. No gasoline-operated devices (i.e., concrete saws, coring machines, welding machines, etc.) shall be permitted within the building premises. All work requiring such devices shall be electrically operated. 
  1. All material deliveries shall be made at the rear of the building (or as agreed). All material will be transported by using the freight or designated elevator padded for construction purposes and then transported to the delivery’s particular floor. At no time will material be transported through the building lobby or public areas during normal business hours. 
  1. Contractor’s personnel shall at all times maintain the highest level of cleanliness. All construction debris shall be removed on a timely basis and shall not be allowed to produce a fire hazard. If the contractor fails to keep the premises free of accumulated waste, the owner reserves the right to enter said premises and remove the debris at the contractor’s expense. In addition, all public areas such as corridors, restrooms, janitors’ closets, etc. shall be maintained and kept free of construction debris, dust, and trash. 
  1. All contractors and subcontractors must wear clothing or a badge that identifies them as employees of the company performing the onsite work. 
  1. Contractors are not permitted to use the restrooms for tool cleanup. There is a slop sink provided in the janitorial closet on each floor for the cleanup of tools and equipment as well as a source of water. Contractors must obtain a key from the Management Office if they need to use the slop sink. Anyone found using the restrooms for cleanup or other similar purposes will be subject to removal from the building. If a contractor utilizes the janitorial closet, it must be kept clean at all times. 
  1. All construction trash and debris shall be removed via the freight or designated elevator padded for construction purposes. The Management Office must be contacted in advance to arrange for the service. No construction debris will be placed in the building dumpster. The contractor will be required to provide a dumpster for construction waste and debris at their own expense, positioned at a location arranged through the Management Office, and that dumpster must be emptied on a regular schedule. Any permits required to place a dumpster on public streets will be at contractor’s expense. 
  1. All work performed in occupied tenant spaces must be cleared by contractors prior to leaving the job or at the end of the business day. If the owner is required to perform additional cleanup, it will be done at the contractor’s expense. 
  1. Any work involving the building fire alarm system must be cleared through the Management Office prior to the work being started. The Management Office will then notify the building engineer of their work. No adjustments, corrections or extensions to the fire alarm system will be made without proper written approval of the Property Manager. Contractors are encouraged to utilize the building’s life safety contractor for any required modifications. Any part of the fire alarm system removed from service during construction must be placed back into service at the end of each workday. 
  1. Contractors are not permitted to enter the fire command center at any time unless accompanied by the Property Manager or the building engineer. 
  1. The doors to the stairways, electrical room, telephone room, and janitorial closets shall be kept closed at all times on occupied tenant floors. 
  1. Contractor shall protect carpets, vinyl, and ceramic flooring in all common areas from the freight elevator which will be padded by the contractor to the construction suite and to the restrooms on the appropriate floor. 
  1. The contractor is required to provide and make available a fire extinguisher within the premises during construction. 
  1. Any contractor found guilty of rudeness, use of profanity, or lack of respect to a building tenant or patient will be immediately ejected from the premises and will not be allowed to return. 
  1. Graffiti or vandalism will not be tolerated. Any contractor caught in the act shall be immediately removed from the premises and will not be allowed to return. 
  1. Tobacco chewing or smoking will not be permitted in the building. 
  1. No radios or speakers will be permitted on occupied tenant floors; however, personal portable music products with a headset will be allowed. 
  1. All work performed in occupied tenant spaces or public corridors will be done in a manner designed to produce the least amount of disruption to normal building operations. Any use of power tools or other work creating a loud noise over an extended period is to be reported to the Management Office prior to commencement of the work. The Property Manager, at their sole discretion, will decide on a case-by-case basis whether the affected work shall take place after hours. 
  1. The contractor will be required to provide temporary electrical power within the premises for use by their subcontractors. Contractors will not be permitted to run extension cords through public areas on occupied tenant floors. 
  1. Contractor’s personnel will park in designated areas only. Cars parked in restricted areas will be towed or ticketed without notice at the vehicle owner’s expense. 
  1. Owner’s representatives reserve the right to inspect work, stop work, and/or have a worker removed from the job any time during the contract. 
  1. Contractors shall not block the elevator doors open. 
  1. The contractor will be required to furnish the Management Office with a list of subcontractors and their phone numbers prior to commencement of the job. 
  1. Contractors needing to work on weekends will provide the Management Office with a list of contractors scheduled to work. The list should include the number of employees, the company, and the estimated hours the contractors will be working. 
  1. All contractors working before 7:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. or on weekends will be required to sign in and out at the security guard station. 
  1. Rubber wheels are required on all vehicles transporting materials through the building.  
  1. No tool belts are to be worn outside the work area. 
  1. All required Certificates of Insurance must be on file prior to the commencement of any work. Certificates must be valid and enforced throughout the contract. 
  1. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in construction personnel being asked to leave the job site. 

Contractor Access Authorization

All primary and subcontractors shall have prior Management Office approval for access to the rear or designated area of the building and/or freight or designated elevator padded for construction purposes. 

  1. Purpose: To provide a control mechanism for scheduling elevator service, dock parking, access convenience, and overall improvement in building communication and enhanced security. The system will also provide building staff with information to help minimize any fire/life safety-related problems. The procedure is intended to eliminate unnecessary delay for all parties concerned. 
  1. Procedure: The Management Office has a Field value not found form that must be completed with the necessary information and returned to the Management Office. Once approved, the Management Office will supply a copy of the permit to security personnel. No contractors will be allowed access to the building without prior authorization.